Sunday, November 23, 2014

Revival by Stephen King

I've been looking forward to King's 63rd (!) book and I wasn't disappointed. It was a truly good book that told a wonderfully good story. However.....

It didn't frighten or scare me as much as the hype led me to believe it would. I easily see where some folks will not be able to handle the ending but it was just a good story to me.  As King said in his interview on the Today Show "People with faith have a lot further to fall"

I think the Terrible Sermon and the things that are said about faith and religion will be upsetting to some, but I'm on the leaning that no one, not even Stephen King, knows what will happen after death. No One. So why sweat it? Don't be an asshole here on earth and live your best life and where you end up is where you end up.

Pastor Jacobs wasn't content with this philosophy. After a terrible tragedy (written very much in King-style) befalls Jacobs, he changes. Jaime Morton is the young boy who knew Jacobs before the tragedy and keeps ending up crossing paths with him for the rest of his life. The crossings are not happy circumstances.

There are no monsters in this book. Once again, King has made the humans the monsters.

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